Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pregnant Man Gives Birth to Baby Video

Thomas used a small camera to keep a record of his pregnancy.

US man who is six months pregnant has spoken out on The Oprah Winfrey Show yesterday, calling his pregnancy a "miracle."

Thomas Beatie's sex change operation 10 years ago did not affect his reproductive system. He appeared on the show with his wife Nancy. She claims to have inseminated him using sperm from an anonymous donor. Their doctor says it is a normal pregnancy.

He said his pregnancy was a "human desire" and that he is "a person and I have the right to have my own biological child."

Mr Beatie told chat show host Oprah Winfrey he had always wanted a child. He explained that his wife was unable to get pregnant because she had a hysterectomy.

“I see pregnancy as a process and it doesn’t define who I am. “Ironically, being pregnant doesn’t make me feel any more female or feminine. It doesn't make me want to go and shave my legs or something. I'm a man, I just happen to be a pregnant man.

"It's not a male or female desire to have a child," he said. " It's a human desire. I have a very stable male identity."

"I opted not to do anything with my reproductive organs because I wanted to have a child one day. I didn't know how. It was just a dream."

Viewers in the US on saw footage of Mr Beatie's ultrasound scan and heard a heartbeat.

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