
Friday, February 25, 2011

Half Ton Mum World's heaviest woman

21st aged 12, 30st at 16, 40st at 24 .. by the time she was 29 Renee weighed 70st, six times the size of a normal woman. Her only option was to go under the surgeon's knife..

Renee - known as the Half-Ton Mum - weighed nearly 70 stone and became the largest person ever to have gastric bypass surgery. The operating table had to be specially widened and she only just fitted through the hospital doors.

At 29, after years of gorging on burgers and chocolate chip cookies in her native USA, Renee was six times the size of a healthy woman her age.

She'd always battled with her size - weighing 21 stone and classified as super-morbidly obese at the age of 12.

She married at 15, and when she had her first child at 16 she already weighed 30 stone. By the time she had her second daughter, aged 21, she had ballooned to 35 stone.

At 24, her weight soared again, to 40 stone, and she had to weigh herself on the industrial-strength scales at a recycling plant.