Fellow Disney Queen Demi Lovato who began her career on "Bonnie and Friends" has begun a rise to super-stardom and the inappropriate behavior has run rampant... Just today the pictures surfaced on the superficial website showing Lovato in compromising positions."
So what makes these pictures such a big deal? It's the people pictured. The Stir gave a double take and noticed the girl dawning fiery red hair is none other than Alex Welch, Lovato's rival back-up dancer. In case you're not schooled in Demi drama, here's why her presence is important.
"Interestingly enough, Alex Welch -- the girl Lovato allegedly sucker punched in the face because she thought Welch leaked stories about her -- is in these pics. So how exactly did these new pics get released?
MetroWNY brings the sensation to a halt. As show stopping as the pics are, let's not get ahead of ourselves. It says there's nothing racy or unfortunate about the photos, in fact she could have done worse.